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Kim Facial Plastic Surgery

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Ask Dr. Kim About Rhinoplasty Revision Surgery

Dr. Kim,

I underwent elective rhinoplasty surgery in my early twenties. At the time, the result seemed better than my natural nose, but I've always felt like my "new" nose looked sort of fake--it has very sharp and pointy features and my nostrils look too big for my face with the tip having two boney points. My other facial features are much more subtle and less chiseled, so my nose just doesn't seem to fit my face. Sometimes I feel silly for wanting to change it again, but it just never met my expectations and ten years later, I'm still unhappy. Is there anything I can do?

Thank you,


I'm sure every surgeon's intention is to provide patients with a natural look, but sometimes the result just doesn't match the patient's hopes. Before surgery, I try my best to inform and encourage patients to be realistic. I've helped countless patients get the rhinoplasty results they've desired from the start and I've also helped patients like you who need rhinoplasty revision.

Let's step back for just a minute to explain what rhinoplasty surgery is for those readers who may be unaware and then we can talk about rhinoplasty revision surgery. Rhinoplasty is surgery to the nose to improve its appearance from birth defects, injury, or simply to improve breathing due to a deviated septum/nasal obstruction/chronic sinusitis. Through surgery, we reshape and
enhance the tissue and bones to either reduce or increase the nasal bridge, the slope of the nose, angle or nostrils.

Now, to get to you specifically, Sarah: I sense you feel somewhat unreasonable for wanting to revise your rhinoplasty surgery, so I want to assure you rhinoplasty revision surgery is very common. Try not to be upset with yourself, especially since your initial surgery was elective and not due to an injury. I've done countless revision surgeries of this type and advise patients not
to psychologically beat themselves up and just know they deserve to be happy. If you're not, it's perfectly understandable and acceptable to make a change.

Revision rhinoplasty surgery is different from the primary surgery, because the tissue and cartilage is sometimes over-resected or asymmetrical and the cartilage may be distorted. I take special attention to analyzing the current nasal status and confer with the patient to make sure we're both on the same page and have realistic expectations. By taking that time beforehand, I've had positive results with rhinoplasty revision surgery and my patients have been pleased with the results.

I'm sure we can improve the status of your nose, Sarah. Again, don't feel silly for being unhappy with the results of your initial surgery. Especially, since after ten years, you are still not pleased.
Set up a consultation with me by calling 770-458-4255 and I'll take a look and give you my suggestions. As you've already found out, it's paramount you trust your surgeon and feel comfortable. Then, you can decide if you'd like to move forward with the revision surgery. Please visit my website for more information about rhinoplasty and other procedures at

All the best to you & thanks for trusting me with your concerns,
Dr. Kim

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posted by Carrie, Words To Mouth at 7:46 AM 0 comments

Monday, August 10, 2009

Another “Ask Dr. Kim Anything”

If you ask the question, I’ll provide recommendations here on my blog for you and other subscribers who may have similar issues, but want to remain anonymous. As always, check out my website for more details and feel free to call my office for an appointment. You can also email me directly if you have a specific question you hesitate to share with others.

Dr. Kim,

As I’ve aged, I’m noticing that my facial skin is starting to sort of shift and sag, especially around my mouth. I have these lines now from my nose to my mouth—I’ve heard them called “parenthesis”--and I look somewhat puppet-like. This coupled with the frown lines between my eyebrows are really making me appear older and more tired than I feel.

I hate to sound superficial, but I’m really starting to dislike my reflection. I do not want to have any facial plastic surgery at this point in my life—I’m only in my early forties and honestly surgery isn't in my budget, so do you have any recommendations to help my outer appearance match how I feel inside WITHOUT surgery?

Thank you,



From what you’ve described, it doesn’t sound like surgery is recommended at this time. There are many nonsurgical alternatives that we can try. I suggest you visit my website and take a look at the different injectable options such as Restylane or Radiesse for the parenthesis and maybe some Botox to relax the furrowed brows.

Without seeing you, I don’t want to make a definite recommendation, but these are usually good choices for smoothing wrinkles and increasing volume to give you that more refreshed look you’re seeking, without surgery--and the results can last anywhere to a few months to over a year depending what we use.

Thank you for trusting me enough to ask and I look forward to possibly hearing from you and helping you achieve a more youthful you.

Dr. Kim

* For more information about facial rejuvenation procedures or to schedule an appointment for a consultation, feel free to call our office at (770)458-4255. Visit my website for more detailed information

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posted by Carrie, Words To Mouth at 12:27 PM 1 comments

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