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Kim Facial Plastic Surgery

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Dramatic Increase in Ethnic Plastic Surgery

Cosmetic surgery has long been seen as something done by white, middle-aged trophy wives, but the truth is that has never really been the case, and, now more than ever, the people seeking cosmetic surgery include men and minorities. According to statistics by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), the proportion of minorities seeking cosmetic surgery has increased by 50 % over the last four years.

This is partly due to shifting demographics and greater acceptance of cosmetic surgery among minorities, but it is also due to a change within the industry itself. Years ago, the majority of surgeons were European-American, but this has changed. With the increase in numbers of minorities among the surgeons, the level of understanding of the needs of minority patients has also increased. For example, African-American doctors have pushed for innovations and greater sensitivity to the skin rejuvenation needs of African-American patients, including photoepilation. Similarly, Asian-American doctors, like Dr. Kim Kun, are among the innovators in Asian blepharoplasty. Like Dr. Kim, who performed the surgery on his own daughter, they can draw from personal experience to supplement their professional training.

To learn more about Kim Facial Plastic Surgery's ethnosensitive practices, please contact us today for a consultation.

posted by Patti at 4:28 PM 0 comments

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